In accordance with The American School of Bangkok Mission and Vision, The ASB Green Valley Campus Student Services Center commits to providing students with the support they need to achieve their personal, academic and career goals. The office offers career guidance designed to assist students with their tertiary education selection, application and scholarships by assessing their academic and personal achievements, skills, talents, potential and ambitions. To complement the academic support, the office also works with other departments to accommodate students with personal, social and emotional concerns. The overall goal is to ensure that students undergo complete growth in preparation for future challenges.
The Student Services office initiated the Advisory Program as an additional course for high school students. The course is focused on providing students from Grade 9 to Grade 12 with a venue for Social / Emotional Learning, Career and College Counseling, Health as well as Mindfulness to promote holistic growth and development. While each year level has the same overarching main subject focus, specific topics will be discussed based on their grade level.

College Counseling
This course is here to help students make good choices as you navigate that process and arrive ready to thrive at a school that fits you well. As students go through this process, student services looks at an overarching framework they can use to place college in the context of overall life goals, discuss college characteristics and how to find the schools that fit them best, explore and practice college application and admissions requirements, and prepare to grow as a person and a student when actual college starts. Students need to remember that they will live through their college experience, so it is imperative that they take that responsibility seriously and make the most of this opportunity to plan and prepare. Students will be introduced to BridgeU, the main platform used to prepare, track, and assist students in their university and college applications, as well as explore tertiary education opportunities by getting to know universities and colleges through fairs and visits.
Social / Emotional Learning
The Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) model is implemented as a counseling curriculum at The American School of Bangkok. The SEL model is based on the research done by The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL).
SEL in short, is the acquisition of skills needed to recognize and manage emotions, develop care and concern for others, make responsible decisions, establish positive relationships, and handle challenging situations effectively.

Students will also have health values classes to help them understand the importance of physical health and how it translates to making the right choices alongside staying active, safe and well informed. They will learn how to maintain healthy lifestyles and learn strategies on how to make healthy choices. This class serves as a compliment to Mindfulness and SEL to ensure the holistic growth of students.
College Forums
Our College Counsellor invites parents to sit down and talk about opportunities abroad and the optimal university options considering changes in higher education trends in different countries. Uni-Reps are also invited via video conference to present their program offerings, and they also update of significant changes in their respective countries regarding college application requirements, student financial aid and so on.

Learning Support
The American School of Bangkok follows an inclusive education system. Students learn in the mainstream classes with the support of classroom teachers as well as the learning support teachers. There is a specialized Learning Support Teachers for each grade level: Elementary, Middle, and High School. We strive to support all students at ASB by providing further differentiation and resources to teachers and students.
The Learning Support Teachers give support to students in the mainstream classroom, or pull out support in a small group depending on the specific needs of the students. Middle School and High School learning support students receive an extra study skills or executive functioning class to work in a small group with the Learning Support Teacher. The learning support students receive an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) where the students goals, accomodations, and modifications are listed. All teachers follow the IEP to support the learning support students in all subject areas.