(K1) Hanna Muta : Kenjiro Muta (Dad)/Pimonrat Ketsawatsomkron (Mom)
The level of care for their students is high. We can be confident that our daughter is in the good hands of professionals. Our daughter has become more interactive and she enjoys going to school. The teacher is very caring and creates the best learning experience for her.
(G9A) Anna Retyunina and (G2B) Amelia Retyunina : Andrey Retyunin (Dad) / Anna Kharitonova (Mom)
First of all we like that our kids go to school with pleasure. The location of our school around the green area is a quiet place. All staff at the school are very helpful, all teachers know students very well and help them if someone needs help or help in the study process.
Our kids like that they have small classes where the teacher can pay attention to each student during the class. Something very important to us is ASB GV’s strong math program. Our girls like that the school holds many events in which children can show their creative abilities. ASB is like a big family where students of different ages communicate like good friends.

(G2B) Tae Hu Kim aka Henry : Joung Youn Lee (Mom)
ASBGV is family. I’ve witnessed students and parents encourage others, discuss concerns together, and care for each other all the time. When I see older kids call little one’s (nursery and kindergarten kids) names, adore them, and play with them in the playground, I feel that our school is a family.
What I can not fail to mention is our school director, Ms. Gift. She’s the teacher who reads and understands the minds of students. She practices mindfulness that helps the children calm themselves and have better focus. With her young spirit, she enhances and improves the school as I feel improvements everyday and appreciate her.
Before ASB, my son, Henry, went to a Korean kindergarten in the neighborhood. He was quite shy and passive back then. After Henry joined ASBGV, there have been many changes in him. He started speaking not only English, but also Chinese and Thai. The most important change was CONFIDENCE!, one of the most important factors of our lives! My son became a confident child. Experiencing so many things and doing so much better at school, my son is very satisfied in his school life.