IPGA’s continues to place junior golfers at elite collegiate programs in the USA. We are proud to celebrate this major milestone for our student athletes as the following signees commit to the college of their choice:

  • Anita Saechung (Annie)

    New Mexico University, USA
    Scholarship: NCAA Golf Division I 50% ($80,416/ 4 years)

  • Apichaya Chirakunakorn (Earn)

    Fairleigh Dickinson University
    Scholarship: NCAA Golf Division I 95% ($165,885 / 4 years)

  • Boram Jung

    University of Minnesota Twin Cities, USA
    Scholarship: NCAA Golf Division I 85% ($107,494 / 4 years)

  • Napat Vorrasanpisut (Pun)

    Southern Utah University, USA
    Scholarship : NCAA Golf Division I 100% ($124,544 / 4 years)

  • Nong Khanh Nguyen (Conrad)

    Colorado Mesa University
    Scholarship: NCAA Golf Division II 30% ($48,000/ 4 years)

  • Thamnida Seema (Baimai)

    Baylor University, USA
    Scholarship : NCAA Golf Division I 100% ($248,704/ 4 years)


IPGA 학생들은 전세계 각국의 토너먼트에서 경쟁하고 우승했으며 태국과 아시아의 모든 대회에서 선도적 실적을 발휘했습니다.

본교의 학생들은 자국의 국가 대표선수 자격으로 많은 국제대회에서 경쟁한 바 있습니다.

IPGA의 졸업생들은 미국내 최고 대학 리그에 진학했을 뿐 아니라 수십만 달러에 이르는 장학금의 혜택을 받았습니다.

우리 학생들이 장학금을 받은 학교들은 아래와 같습니다.

South Florida University, New Mexico State University, Illinois University, Baylor University, Toledo University, Minnesota University, Washington University, Southern Illinois University, University of Nebraska Omaha , University of Seattle, Sam Houston State University, University of Charlotte. Southern Utah University.

IPGA 학교 팀은 태국에서 가장 강력한 팀 중 하나입니다. 이 팀은 International SchoolsGolf  Tour 국제학교 골프 투어 대회가 시작된 이래 15 개 이상의 팀 타이틀을 획득했습니다.

Faldo Series Hua Hin 2020
Overall Team Champions
Faldo Series Pattaya 2020
Boys Team Winners
Faldo Series Hua Hin 2020
Overall Team Champions
Norwich invitational 2020
Team champions
Eagle Cup 2020
Best Female Team
Shrewsbury International School 2020
Boys Team Champions